A simple ABC to help us show up as Inspiring Leaders...

A is for Awareness.Awareness of how we show up daily for ourselves and others both at home and at work is a key to...

The Foundation of Effective Change

“The only constant thing in life is change.” People with a fixed mindset learn significantly less when faced with difficulties than those with a focus on development. The former assume that their level of intelligence is constant, either they have a talent for something, or they do not. When they encounter difficulties, they believe that they receive proof of their “stupidity”, “lack of talent”, because they do not catch everything in flight, right away.

Embracing Your Personal Renaissance in 2024: A Journey to Self-Discovery and...

issue 06 / Mongia Argoubi Dear Readers, As we embark on the journey of a new year, it presents a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our...

The Importance Of Exploring Our Values

issue 06 / Uğur Erogul “If values live in words and not in substance, rules lose their meaning over time in the family, school and...

cover İssue 01

Yesim Engin: Hi everyone, my name is Yesim Engin and today I’m here with lovely Magdalena Mook, Chief Executive Officer of ICF, and we...

Team Coaching: A Comprehensive Approach to Unveiling Team Dynamics and Guiding...

issue06 / Katia Tandon  As a seasoned team coach and middle-level manager, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of team coaching in unravelling the...

The honest reality: Most coaches are horrendous at sales

The honest reality is - MOST coaches are horrendous at SA-LES! But it’s NOT their fault - Here’s some actionable tips on how to SHIFT...

ICF Updated Designation Process

Issue 01 / Gurkan SariogluThe coaching industry has been booming globally in recent years. ICF (International Coaching Federation) is also in a structural change...

Language Teaching versus Language Coaching: Are they really that different?

Issue 01 / SARAH SPICERAt a networking event recently, a new connection asked me what I do for a living. “I’m an English coach”, I...

Humanity of Coaching

issue06 / Matthew Q.Lesser Coaching is a blend of art and social sciences. There is always a dimension of mystery, unknown, and unpredictable whenever humans...